
BRAND 容量瓶能够为化学和制药领域的应用提供精确的结果。您可在此处找到制备稀释系列、校准设备和许多其他应用的适用玻璃或塑料容量瓶。

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项目 172424



BLAUBRAND® 容量瓶 — 经久耐用的品质 : BRAND的容量瓶提供了最高的精准度。严格的统计质量控制确保产品保持极高水准。容量瓶是配备稀释液与标准溶液不可或缺的设备。标准的容量瓶提供PP材质方形手柄带滴尖的瓶塞。这种瓶塞减少了容量瓶翻倒而破碎的风险,有助于防止容量瓶在实验台面上滚动。 所有BLAUBRAND® 容量瓶都随原厂包装提供批号以及批次认证证书。根据要求,也可提供个体检验证书或DAkkS 校准证书。除了宽颈容量瓶,其他容量瓶也可提供USP个体证书与批次证书。 梯形容量瓶: 标准型的小容量容量瓶因为其较高的重心而更易翻滚。梯形容量瓶底部面积更大因此更加稳定!Testing flasks for dispensers: 三刻度容量瓶,DAkkS校准 , BLAUBRAND®,A级,DE-M marking. Boro 3.3 玻璃,参照DIN EN ISO 1042。(TC,In)校准。包含DAkkS校准证书。三刻度容量瓶用于检验分液 器的功能。中间的刻度指示标称体积,上部与下部的刻度指示容差范围,详见下表。如果经过甚至反复地测验 都超过了容差范围,则相应的分液器工作不正常。参照ISO8665,附DAkkS校准书的容量瓶并不能替代重力法对 设备进行检测与校量。


容量瓶,PUR塑料膜包被,BLAUBRAND®,A级 : PUR膜将容量瓶紧密包裹,如同保护层。在发生破损时,包膜能安全包裹玻璃碎片。相比无包被膜的玻璃容器,静电电荷并未增加。蓝色涂层可帮助识别。最高操作温度可达135 °C(干热条件下,小于30分钟)。反复121 °C 高压湿热灭菌会损耗涂层。为保护涂层,清洗温度建议低于95 °C。温度可达135 °C(干热条件下,小于30分钟)。反复121 °C 高压湿热灭菌会损耗涂层。为保护涂层,清洗温度建议低于95 °C。


容量瓶,PMP材质,透明 : 附有PP瓶塞。误差范围参照B级,DIN EN ISO 1042标准。(TC, In)校准。温度高至60 °C (消毒)不会造成永久性超过误差范围的损伤。为确保刻度及印刷标识清晰可辨,清洗温度建议低于60 °C。容量瓶,PMP材质,透明 : 含有PP瓶塞。误差极限分别参照A级和B级,DIN EN ISO 1042标准。A级容量瓶含批次检验证书。(TC, In)校准。温度高至121 °C,不会造成永久性超过误差范围的损伤。为确保刻度及印刷标识清晰可辨,清洗温度建议低于60 °C。容量瓶带旋盖,PFA材质 : 误差极限参照A级,DIN EN ISO 1042标准。(TC, In)校准。附批次检验证书。可高压湿热 灭菌,清洗方便。PFA材质旋盖,一体式密封环。温度至121 °C(高压灭菌),不会造成永 久性超过误差范围的损伤!为确保刻度及印刷标识清晰可辨,清洗温度建议低于60 °C。

常见问题 (容量瓶)

What kind of screening inks does BRAND use for printing the volumetric flasks?

Blue and white enamel are printed on the outer surface and provide a high contrast and an optimal combination of chemical resistance and legibility for BLAUBRAND (cl. A) and SILBERBRAND (cl. B) volumetric flasks. Amber diffusion stain is used for BLAUBRAND®-ETERNA (cl. A) and SILBERBRAND-ETERNA (cl. B) volumetric flasks. This color diffuses into the glass surface and can therefore only be removed by abrasion or glass corrosion.

For what kind of application are volumetric flasks with 3 marks useful?

The volumetric flask with 3 marks is used to check the functioning of a dispenser. The mark in the middle shows the nominal volume, the upper and lower marks show the error limit. If the error limit is exceeded even with repeated measurements, the dispenser is defective.

What kind of special volumetric flasks do BRAND offer?

BRAND offers special volumetric flasks for Kohlrausch sugar analysis and oil content determination in accordance to DIN 51368. Both are made of high quality borosilicate glass 3.3.

What is the difference between Class A and Class B?

Class A stands for highest quality grade volumetric flasks in accordance to DIN EN ISO 1042 and, therefore, for tight error limits (BLAUBRAND®). Class B volumetric flasks (SILBERBRAND) have larger error limits than Class A volumetric flasks, usually twice as much.

Is it better to use a PP stopper instead of a glass stopper?

Usually PP stoppers are cheaper than glass stoppers, but glass stoppers can resist more chemicals. For instance, PP reacts with highly concentrated nitric or sulfuric acid and is therefore not suitable as stopper, while glass shows no reaction with these chemcials. Hence, it depends on the application you want to use the volumetric flasks for.

What advantages do PURprotect volumetric flasks have?

In the event of breakage, the safety polyurethane-coating helps to contain the glass fragments. Compared to uncoated glass flasks the electrostatic charge is not increased.

What is the difference between Class A and AW and Class B and BW, respectively?

The extension 'W' refers to wide neck as these flasks contain necks with larger inner diameters and thus larger neck sizes. In accordance to DIN EN ISO 1042 these wide neck flasks have to be marked with extension 'W' as the error limits of these flasks are a bit higher compared to normal or narrow neck flasks.

What advantages do amber volumetric flasks have?

Amber bulb-shaped flasks preserve light-sensitive chemical solutions from UV radiation. The chemical solution only comes into contact with borosilicate glass 3.3 and not with the amber stain. BLAUBRAND® amber flasks are made by diffusion of amber stain into the outer surface of clear glass.

What advantages do trapezoidal measuring flasks have?

Small capacity standard volumetric flasks can tip over more easily due to their higher center of gravity. Trapezoidal measuring flasks have a much larger base area which greatly improves stability.