在 BRAND 您可以找到能胜任任何挑战的细胞培养内嵌小室。联管或单个容器:您可以自由选择。
在 BRAND 您可以找到能胜任任何挑战的细胞培养内嵌小室。联管或单个容器:您可以自由选择。
BRAND 创新的细胞培养板与内嵌小室, 适用于手动或者自动细胞与组织培养工作!BRAND嵌套式培养板系统,是 BRAND 与 Fraunhofer Society 共同研发的成果,共包含两种不同规格的细胞培养板和两种规格的细胞培养内嵌小室,培养板及内嵌小室也可组合使用。新型的 BRANDplates® Insert System 嵌套式培养板系统是对BRAND原有细胞培养产品线进行的创新性扩展。手动及移液工作站操作的完美之选! 这种新型的细胞培养板和配套的内嵌小室有两种规格:标准24孔板和特殊的6孔板。可用于广泛的实验。标准板型可用于诸如共培养,分泌研究与细胞趋化性测试,特制板型可用于自动化人体组织体外培养(3-D组织培养)。 由于法律要求尽可能减少动物实验,皮肤,表皮,角膜等组织模型已经具有非常重要的地位。这些组织模型现在已经引入到药品与化妆品日常的耐受性,毒性与应激测试中。
根据ANSI/SLAS标准1和4 生产 , 标准24-孔板与特制6-孔板都带有有凝结环的板盖 , pureGradeTM S (未处理) 与 cellGradeTM plus (加强增强细胞贴壁) 两种表面处理可选 标准24-孔板 这种培养板具有24个独立的培养孔,可以安装 4联内嵌小室或者独立内嵌小室。 特殊的6孔板 4个孔相连形成一个大型的,加长的培养孔。这个 孔可以插入一个4联内嵌小室,4个内嵌小室可以 同时补充培养液。尤其适合使用具有Inlet通道(IOS 开口系统)的内嵌小室 培养板与内嵌小室完美配合: 标准24-孔板孔缘上的引导凹槽与内嵌小室上的引 导嵌条完美匹配。防 止单个内嵌小室在培养孔中旋转,保持给液口打开。同时,引导嵌条能保证小室位于孔的中央。
细胞培养联排内嵌小室 cellGrade™ plus 表面 - 光滑内壁,可用于如分泌研究,共培养,迁移研究,趋化性测试等标准应用。 - cellGrade™ plus 表面: 无菌,表面结合了多种亲水性化学基团,例如羧基和羟基,可自由结合。 细胞培养联排内嵌小室 - 带有特殊的 Inlet 通道,可用于自动化人体组织体外培养。Inlet Opening System 开口系统*允许快速连续地更换培养液,适合浸入培养或者悬空培养。特殊的Inlet通道可以调节培养液水平而不会伤及皮肤模型。 - cellGrade™ plus 表面: 无菌,表面结合了多种亲水性化学基团,例如羧基和羟基,可自由结合 悬空内嵌小室 悬空内嵌小室——底部薄膜距孔底 4 mm。 细胞不受干扰!使用板上的给液口轻松地更换培养液,无需移动或更换内嵌小室,最大程度减少干扰——与移液工作站完美匹配! 内嵌小室上侧面独特创新的给液口设计 径迹蚀刻PC或PET膜 根据ISO 11 137与AAMI的指导灭菌,灭菌保证值SAL 10-6 根据ISO 10 993-5无细胞毒性,无内毒素 (< 0.01EU/ml),无 DNA,DNase 或者RNase
These holes are called inlet opening system (IOS). Due to the special geometry of the drillings, fluid will stay in the inserts as long as the outer wall is not wetted (during coatings). Once both sides are wetted, medium exchange can be performed simultaneously in wells and inserts. Furthermore, desired insert medium levels for air-lift cultures are easily and precisely established.
No. The size of the growth area of all insert is 59 mm2.
Inserts with IOS can be loaded with (water based) medium < 400 µl without the risk of leakage.
Organotypic cultures consists of multiple cell layers. Therefore, number of cells per cm2 is higher and nutrient consumption is increased when compared to a monolayer culture. This is critical especially in air lift cultures where basolateral medium levels are reduced. Inserts with a height of 9 mm allow more medium to be applied into the well of a compagnion plate thereby improving the nutrient supply of cells.
This depends on the experiment and the celltype studied. The cellGradeTM plus surface can be further coated e.g. with laminin or collagen to meet special cellular conditions.
PC-membranes can show an increase of pore size in presence of DMSO (100%). PC-membranes released from inserts and treated with DMSO will curl. In case of extended contact to DMSO [100%], PC-membranes still fused to inserts, start to curl as well.
Yes. The insert membrane is treated on the apical as well as basolateral side.
BRAND offers inserts of two different heights - 13 mm and 9 mm.
The growth area of an insert has a size of 59 mm2.