联排内嵌小室, 带Inlet通道 (Inlet Opening System), PC-Membrane, 4联管, 用于 24/6 孔 BRANDplates®, BIO-CERT® CELL CULTURE QUALITY, 灭菌

Innovative cell culture plates and inserts for manual and automatic cell and tissue culture!

The BRANDplates® Insert System, developed in conjunction with the Fraunhofer company, offers an innovative expansion to BRAND's existing cell culture product range.

It consists of two different cell culture plates and two designs of cell culture inserts that can be combined in different configurations.

Insert specification:

4x insert strips, can be divided into up to 4 individual inserts - hanging position in well

Hanging inserts – distance between the well base and insert membrane is 4 mm

Individually packaged strips inserted in thermoformed beakers with 6 strips each in the 6-well cell culture plate

cellGrade plus (hydrophilic cell culture-) surface.

Inserts with inlet channels: Inserts with special inlet channels (Inlet Opening System) are used for the automated in vitro preparation of human tissues. The Inlet Opening System enables rapid, consistent changing of media, from submersion culture to air-lift culture. The special inlet channels enable adjustment of the medium level without damage to the skin model.
PS. cellGrade plus surface, sterile. Strip of 4 inserts (divisible).

BIO-CERT® 细胞培养质量:不含人源性DNA、不含 RNase、不含 DNase、不含热原、不含细胞毒性物质


13 mm
9 mm
0,4 µm
1 µm
3 µm
8 µm
货号 小室高度 孔径大小
782801 13 mm 0,4 µm
782821 13 mm 1 µm
782841 13 mm 3 µm
782861 13 mm 8 µm
782901 9 mm 0,4 µm
VE* 从…** 价格***
1 包装规格 = 12 块 1 5,582.00
1 包装规格 = 12 块 1 5,582.00
1 包装规格 = 12 块 1 5,582.00
1 包装规格 = 12 块 1 5,582.00
1 包装规格 = 12 块 1 8,929.00
*** 价格包含增值税