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专为在紫外线范围内对蛋白质、ssDNA、dsDNA、RNA 以及寡核苷酸进行光度测定而开发/非常适合在 260 nm、280 nm 和可见波长范围内进行测量/层厚 10 mm/无需清洁,完全可消除因此带来的污染风险/可以测量即使是 70 µl 的少量样品/具有两种不同的中心高度(8.5 mm 和 15 mm),无需转接器,即可用在大多数市售分光光度计中 / 圆形盖子确保可牢牢关闭,从而在低至 -20 °C 的温度条件下存放样品/凭借彩色盖子可轻松识别样品


为水质检测、化学分析及生物实验应用的理想之选。/ 适用于大部分极性,酸或碱溶液。/ 最大程度降低污染的风险,使用成本远低于石英玻璃材质的比色 /UV微量与半微量: 容量1.5 to 3 ml, / UV比色皿: 容量2.5 to 4.5 ml

常见问题 (比色皿)

Which is the wavelength range recommended for BRAND UV-cuvettes?

BRAND UV-cuvettes can be used for photometric measurements between 230 and 900 nm.

Which is the wavelength range recommended for BRAND PS cuvettes?

BRAND PS cuvettes can be used for photometric measurements between 340 and 900 nm.

Why do UV cuvettes micro show another transmission curve than UV cuvettes semi-micro and macro?

The differences in the transmission curves of the cuvettes are caused by different wall thicknesses. While the wall of macro- and semimicro cuvettes is about 1 mm thick, the micro cuvettes show a wall thickness of 0,65 mm only. This results in better light transmission of the micro cuvettes.

What does the term center height z mean?

The center height z is the distance between the bottom of the cuvette and the center of the beam of light. Because photometers can vary in the beam height (and so in the center height z), BRAND offers its UV-cuvette micro with two different center heights, 8.5 and 15 mm.

Which is the wavelength range recommended for BRAND PMMA-cuvettes?

BRAND PMMA cuvettes can be used for photometric measurements between 300 and 900 nm.

Are BRAND UV-cuvettes suitable for fluorescence measurements?

For fluorescence measurements cuvettes must have four optical windows.

Are BRAND UV-cuvettes autoclavable?

The UV polymer should not be used above 70°C, so BRAND UV-cuvettes are not autoclavable. BRAND offers UV-cuvettes micro individually wrapped (7592 15 and 7592 35); these cuvettes are free of DNase, DNA and RNase.

How long is the light path of BRAND cuvettes?

All BRAND cuvettes have a light path of 10 mm.

Are PS cuvettes autoclavable?

Polystyrene (PS) should not be used above 70°C. PS cuvettes are not autoclavable.