
您可以在 BRAND 找到用于在实验室中计量液体的移液器。欢迎关注我们的 Dispensette® S 和 seripettor® 瓶口分液器。

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Dispensette® S 瓶口分液器

移取高纯度化学试剂的理想之选。 Innovative ideas, trusted technology – Dispensette® S Trace Analysis, the new bottle-top dispenser. For precise volume dispensing of high-purity media for trace analysis. - New discharge tube with or without recirculation valve - New valve system no sealing rings necessary - Volume selection with interior scalloped track - Dispensing of high-purity media such as acids and bases for trace analysis in the volume range from 1 to 10 ml. - Trace metal content is generally in the low ppb range, or, depending on application, even in the ppt range. - Dispensing hydrofluoric acid no problem with the platinumiridium valve spring. 安装简单: 新排液管易于紧固,有含或不含回流阀的规格可选。 明确的体积设定: 游标式可调型分液器中的锯齿导轨设计,保证其体积设定的快速,可靠与高重复性。 无密封圈设计: 所有阀门都无需额外的密封圈。这使得仪器的清洁更加简单。 可更换分液活塞柱: 无需工具,即可轻松更换整个分液活塞柱。分液活塞柱在工厂都进行了校准,随包装附性能认证证书。更换后无需再校准。

创新理念结合可靠技术 - 新一代瓶口分液器 Dispensette® S

新排液管含或不含安全回流阀吸液更快速源于改进的流体技术内置锯齿导轨的体积调节装置 Dispensette® S 明智之选满足广泛的应用: Dispensette® S, 系列瓶口分液器满足广泛的应用需求,尤其适用于从试剂瓶中直接移取具腐蚀性的试剂如浓碱和浓酸,盐溶液,及各种有机溶剂。 Dispensette® S Organic, 是移取 有机溶剂如三氟三氯乙烷, 二氯甲烷等氯化烃及氟化烃, 或酸如浓HCl及浓HNO3(HF 除外) ,以及三氟乙酸(TFA) ,四氢呋喃(THF)及过氧化物 的绝佳之选。 Dispensette® S Trace Analysis, 如需移取氢氟酸(HF),我们推荐使用带有铂-铱合金阀门弹簧类型的Dispensette® S Trace Analysis痕量分析型瓶口分液器 The Dispensette® S is available in three different approaches to volume adjustment: 数字可调 · 易校准型: 数字显示:易于阅读,可精准设定移取体 积,确保重复性(机械计数)。 Easy Calibration 易校准技术:创新技术, 无需工具可进行校准调节。游标式可调型: 使用游标滑块进行快速体积设定。附带工具可进行简便地校准调节。固定量程型: 固定量程应对标准应用附带工具可进行简便地校准调节。

Dispensette® S Trace Analysis

新一代!创新理念结合可靠技术 - 新一代瓶口分液器Dispensette® S. 瓶口分液器Dispensette® S拥有安全、便捷分液操作所需的所有特征。创新理念—可靠技术。seripettor® 瓶口分液器: seripettor® 与 seripettor® pro 是 BRAND 新推出的瓶口分液器,设计新颖。可为实验室常规操作提供经济的分液选择。

常见问题 (瓶口分液器)

Is it possible to dispense directly from drums and bulk refills?

Yes, it is possible with the Remote Dispensing System for Drum Dispensing. You can dispense directly frum drums up to 10 metres (30 feet) away from the drum. A delivery height of 1.2m is possible.

The dispensed volume of the Dispensette® is too low. What can be the cause?

Possible cause: Filling valve is loose, dirty or damaged --> Cleaning procedure (s. chapter 'Cleaning' in the operating manual). If necessary, replace valves and sealing washers.

There is leaking liquid between instrument and bottle at the Dispensette®. What can be done?

Possible cause: Backflow tube not connected --> Connect backflow tube (s. operating manual page 40).

Can the Dispensette® be used in the medical sector?

The Dispensette® is designed for general laboratory applications and meets with the requirements of relevant norms, e.g. DIN EN ISO 8655. The usage of the instrument for special applications (e.g. for trace analysis, food sector) has to be checked by the user. There are no special approvals available, for instance for specific applications in the medical, pharmaceutical or food sector.

Is the Dispensette® appropriate for food?

The Dispensette® is designed for general laboratory applications and meets with the requirements of relevant norms, e.g. DIN EN ISO 8655. The usage of the instrument for special applications (e.g. for trace analysis, food sector) has to be checked by the user. There are no special approvals available, for instance for specific applications in the medical, pharmaceutical or food sector.

Is a FDA-Certificate available for the Dispensette®?

The Dispensette® is designed for general laboratory applications and meets with the requirements of relevant norms, e.g. DIN EN ISO 8655. The usage of the instrument for special applications (e.g. for trace analysis, food sector) has to be checked by the user. There are no special approvals available, for instance for specific applications in the medical, pharmaceutical or food sector.

Filling of the Dispensette® is not possible. What can be done?

Possible causes: - Volume adjusted to minimum setting --> Please set to required volume (s. chapter 'Setting the volume' in the operating manual). - The filling valve is stuck --> Please clean the filling valve. If the valve is stuck use a 200 µl pipette tip to loosen it - see operating manual. If necessary replace the valve with sealing washer.

It is not possible to dispense with the Dispensette® anymore. What can be done?

Maybe the discharge valve is stuck. The discharge valve should be cleaned. If necessary discharge tube must be replaced (s. chapter 'Cleaning' in the operating manual).

The piston of my Dispensette® is difficult to move. What can I do?

Possible causes are formation of crystals or dirt. Please stop dispensing immediately. Loosen piston with rotating motion, but do not disassemble. Follow all cleaning instructions. See chapter 'Cleaning' in the operating manual for Dispensette® or See chapter 'Cleaning' in the operating manual for Dispensette® S